GENCG Working Journal - Day 6 - Pixel Manipulations

Working with pixels is a lot of fun! I used a bit of my time today working on the project from yesterday about Face Generation. So my work from today is not quite impressive.
My idea was to have pixels in an image swap positions with eachother. A pixel swaps position with another pixel within a certain range. The position of the next pixel is determined by perlin noise.
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        // each frame the process starts with the very first pixel in the image
        let currentIndex = 0;
        do {
          // these variables serve as a temporary storage for caching RGBA values during the swap process
          let currentR = 0;
          let currentG = 0;
          let currentB = 0;
          let currentA = 0;

          let r = pixels[currentIndex];
          let g = pixels[currentIndex + 1];
          let b = pixels[currentIndex + 2];
          let a = pixels[currentIndex + 3];
          // the index of the pixel to swap colors with is determined by perlin noise and mapped to some range
          // the bigger this range (in this case 1 - 12) the less recoginzeable the resulting image will be
          let nextIndex =
            currentIndex + Math.floor(map(noise(xOff), 0, 1, 1, 12)) * 4;

          //RGBA values of the next pixel are saved
          currentR = pixels[nextIndex + 0];
          currentG = pixels[nextIndex + 1];
          currentB = pixels[nextIndex + 2];
          currentA = pixels[nextIndex + 3];

          // next pixel receives color values from the original pixel
          pixels[nextIndex + 0] = r;
          pixels[nextIndex + 1] = g;
          pixels[nextIndex + 2] = b;
          pixels[nextIndex + 3] = a;

          // original pixel receives color values from the pixel he swapped with
          pixels[currentIndex + 0] = currentR;
          pixels[currentIndex + 1] = currentG;
          pixels[currentIndex + 2] = currentB;
          pixels[currentIndex + 3] = currentA;

          // the next pixel will be the original pixel for the next loop
          currentIndex = nextIndex;

          xOff += 0.01;
          yOff += 0.01;

          // loops until the whole image is processed once
        } while (currentIndex <= width * height * 4);
That's it for todays work. I really didn't have the energy to do more. Here is the same code run on other images. But stay tuned for the last two days :). I plan to do some really cool stuff with pixels!
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